Thursday, August 19, 2010

Hole In The Bucket ...

I swear, my attention span is so short that these seem to be all I can write ...


nothing is sacred
all men have an untold price
how much for your soul?

* * *

it took but three days
my head before my heels
easily i fall

* * *

crucify my heart
leave nothing beyond here
this is the moment

* * *

seven months sober
every drop feels like zen
thirsty is the devil

* * *

never will you know
trees and breeze and lightning bugs
i made them for you

* * *

dramatics aside
lift the veil from your brown eyes
see life is better

* * *

i lost everything
life is better with your smile
i got it all back

* * *

looking for answers
forgot i wrote the damn book
take your own advice

* * *

we oft collide like
two neutron stars in black holes
end civility

* * *

the sky has fallen
two bodies less heavenly
erupting massive

* * *

translucent heavy
i envy your sense of me
destroy thoughts of we

* * *

you only want change
a chance to be another
i only want you

* * *

i wish i knew you
to be the voice in your ear
and call you perfect