Friday, October 24, 2008

As the world turns...

Updates on the mayoral race in Detroit:

  • Political consultant Adolph Mongo this morning filed a request with the City Clerk's Office to remove Mayor Kenneth V. Cockrel Jr.'s name from the ballot for the February special mayoral election, claiming that Cockrel lied when he signed an affidavit that he was in compliance with election rules. Cockrel, it has been found, owes $42,000 in fines to the city in campaign finance fees.
  • Pages upon pages of illicit text messages between ex-mayor Kwame Malik Kilpatrick and Christine "Freaky Chris" Beatty were released by a Michigan court yesterday. From "text sex" to coverups, the texts - only a fraction of the many that exist on city-issued SkyTel two-way pagers - also shed light on other underhanded dealings involving the mayor and ... others.
The plot thickens...