Friday, December 26, 2008

Don't Say Nuthin'...

I knew I was right to fear losing my muse. Nothing's worked since the 17th. Clearly that's not to say that nothing's been happening .. I've been a mess. But writing has not been forthcoming. Maybe I've been too caught up in myself to opine on much else. Who knows.

I'll keep trying.

P.S.: This Common/Afrika Bambaataa Zune ad campaign is killing me. Please stop jamming this down my throat. Though if iTunes keeps tripping and messing with my OCD by corrupting my library file and ruining my settings/organization, I will be switching. No thanks to you, though, Common.

P.P.S.: Forget Will Smith in Seven Pounds; I want to go see (and mark out for) Mickey Rourke in The Wrestler. I'm dying to see this movie, and not just on some bootleg internet site. I feel like this film deserves my money...when I get some. I hear nothing but great things, and I like what critics and sportswriters have had to say about it. As a long-time wrestling fan-turned-smark, this movie is for me. I also want to see The Spirit... looks dope.

1 comment:

Gia Shakur said...

Word...why must the masses see the great Bamabataa in Itunes commercial....thats whack