Saturday, February 21, 2009

Da Goodness ...

So Harlem-based-but-Cleveland-born MC/blogaholic/grinder Charles Hamilton decided to drop not one, not two, but three mixtapes in the span of 6 days. That's more tracks than some artists put out in a calendar year. Granted, when you're fighting for respect and recognition, it's important to get out there. But CtheH looks like he just does it for the love, and I'm feelin' that. His creative energy is something else.

Now, Charles has this whole Sonic the Hedgehog thing going on that I find kinda creative and intriguing. I mean, hell, I've been trying to figure out what obscure-yet-cool alter-ego I could attribute to myself for years now and I just can't seem to figure out one that sticks. Anyway, I was skimming through his main blog and ran across this ... "other" other side: Shadow. Now, in the Sonic universe, Shadow is the antithesis of Sonic in all aspects of his life. In Charles Hamilton's universe, Shadow the Hamilton is a place for him to display his poetry ... his brooding side.

Who do you think fell in love with that concept?

Back when I used to blog on the regular on another site, I developed a second blog just for that purpose. It was darker, in some senses bleaker, but completely separate from my day-to-day happenings. When it worked, I loved it. Granted I wasn't able to come up with a cool as hell alias back then, but still.

[Of course, in writing about it, I took 2 seconds to look back at that blog. I haven't written in it since January of 2007, when I was going through a very tough time with my ex-girlfriend. Pain is art, I wrote. It certainly is. I couldn't duplicate these lines if I tried. I suppose that's the benefit and purpose of having a muse: it makes you write what you couldn't consciously think of otherwise.]

In any event, listening to the third of C's mixtapes - Every Charles Hamilton Ex-Girlfriend's Worst Nightmare - got me to thinking about what if I were to write something for/about each of the women who have been in my life. Now there's some inspiration for that ass. I read the track-by-track breakdown he provided on his blog and really got to thinking about making something like that happen. I mean, from the hearts that I broke to the girls who broke mine; from the long and meaningful to the short and trivial; from the seemingly impossible to the seemingly unending, and even those that never even began. It's a very curious concept...and I just might give it a chance, if I really feel like revisiting those times in my past.

Just a thought. I just really want to put some words together. And part of me doesn't even care if they make sense anymore...

she wants me to write
and i want her to feel it:
my revolution

- 2/15/06


Half Full...but yet Half Empty... said...

thumbs up on that post sir.

Chenoa said...

omg.. you MUST do that. I can't wait to see it.